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Raymandan Taly Parseh

Raymandan TalyParse IT Company serves as the digital transformation and innovation arm of TalyPark Group. This company has made it its goal to create an organization commensurate with the digital era through planning, policy-making, leadership, monitoring, and keeping track of plans and developmental and transformational schemes which have their roots in potentials, approaches, methods, and tools of the digital era. Taking this into account, Raymandan intends to navigate the organization in a direction that suits the digital age and create an organization with acceptable performance and the ability to play a leading role in the competitive and innovative atmosphere of the contemporary era.
Raymandan has put its focus on Mind maps, goals, strategies, structures, human capital, processes and methods, as well as tools and technologies. Speaking of the final output, Raymandan seeks to create an agile, innovative, learning, intelligent, holistic, process-driven, and data-driven organization with adept and motivated human resources.

Raymandane TalyParse

Mission & Responsibility

Taly Group has come to be known as a reference in the construction industry, especially in specialized construction, operation, and management of buildings. Relying on years of technical and specialized experiences, using all the technological and systematic management capacities, maintaining the spirit of responsiveness/competitiveness, and relying on the recruitment and development of mature and skilled support team staff; Raymandan seeks to meet all the needs of real and legal customers in compliance with international standards. The primary mission of Raymandan TalyParse is to offer transformative digital solutions in the construction industry.
